También puedes leer este artículo en español, Carlos Ignacio Giralt Cabrales: Nuevo Cónsul de México en Little Rock.

Since July 22, 2022, Mexico has a new consul in the state capital of Little Rock, a man with so much experience that he arrived with the title of ambassador: Carlos Ignacio Giralt Cabrales.

The consulate serves the Mexican populations of Arkansas, eastern Oklahoma, and western Tennessee.

Giralt Cabrales, 59, is a native of Mexico City. He was a young man of 20 when he began working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and since 1991 he has been a career member of the Mexican Foreign Service, in which he became ambassador in April 2017.

He has a degree in economics from the Autonomous Metropolitan University and in 1990 he began his studies in diplomacy at the Matías Romero Institute of Diplomatic Studies. He also obtained a diploma in National Security and Strategic Studies from the National Institute of Public Security.

Within the Mexican diplomacy, he has held, among other positions, that of Analyst in the General Directorate for the United Nations, Head of the Department of Consular Statistics, Director of Consular Affairs and Deputy Director General of Consular Services in the General Directorate of Consular Affairs, an institution whose creation he supervised.

He has been consul at the Mexican consulates in Philadelphia and Sacramento in the United States and in Guanzhou in the People's Republic of China. In all these positions, he has received recognition from the cities where he has worked, as well as from his diplomatic colleagues.