
Vicente Yañez

 También puedes leer este artículo en español, Uno a Uno: Vicente Yañez.

Meet Vicente Yañez, an artist and owner of Tiempo de Ocio, and a software developer and systems engineer for Kitestring Technical Services in Bentonville.

What does your daily work involve? 

I spend most of my day creating things; working on whatever piece I’m currently on, designing and planning the next ones and preparing materials for the incoming programs I’ll be participating on. The other half goes with my systems job, where in a nutshell, I build enterprise software systems for retail technology. 

Did you get an educational degree or go straight to work? 

I have a bachelor’s degree in computer systems by the National Polytechnic Institute (Instituto Politécnico Nacional) in Mexico City. 

Where do you live and how / why did you choose Arkansas? 

I live in Springdale. My systems job brought me here over a decade ago, where I met my spouse, partner in life and significant other. In addition to that, I loved the seasons and the outdoors, in contrast to the pace of life of Mexico City. 

What is your favorite thing about Arkansas? 

The community, and those who are constantly defending and promoting it so people can find a welcoming space to belong. All the things that can be done for little to no expense, for example the public libraries, the bike/hike trails, the social and cultural events, the indoor/outdoor markets, and the social groups where people get together to share their common passions. 

What do you hope for next in your career, life and the state of Arkansas? 

I would love to see Arkansas thrive in the richness of the diversity we already have, and continue being one of the growing economic hubs in the country by embracing all the multicultural talent available. I want to continue representing one of such cultures through my art and through any other way where I can represent Mexico and the Hispanic people in Arkansas.

Connect with Vicente at